Learning yii 2 torrent

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We can use all of these features out-of-the-box, or even customize them based on our project requirements. Set up a development environment for your application Scaffold Models, Views and Controllers quickly using Gii Write automated tests using the Codeception testing framework Make a secure environment using ACF and RBAC Manage stylesheets and Javascript with the AssetManager Keep view code clean with HTMLHelper Build a robust search UI with ActiveQuery and TypeAhead Create alternate themes for your site Send e-mails using SwiftMailer Translate your application into multiple languages Section 1: Introducing Yii 2. As a result, the web page is not displaying. It provides components to simplify every aspect of web development, including authentication, authorization, and automated testing, offering a comprehensive ORM called ActiveRecord, and the option to perform performance tuning. Learning Yii 2 Год выпуска: 2015 Производитель: Udemy Сайт производителя: Автор: Matthew Beaumont Продолжительность: 3 ч Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Описание: What am I going to get from this course? We will create also the administration area backend to manage our blog as comfortable as possible.

Take your first steps into web application development with Yii 2 and get rapidly acquainted with the new and improved PHP framework Yii is the premium PHP framework for developing web applications. It provides components to simplify every aspect of web development, including authentication, authorization, and automated testing, offering a comprehensive ORM called ActiveRecord, and the option to perform performance tuning. We can use all of these features out-of-the-box, or even customize them based on our project requirements. Learning Yii 2 demonstrates how it is entirely possible to write quality applications fast. This course will show you how to create a basic but fully functional dating site for monsters. All this with minimal effort on your part, because the Yii framework simplifies the overhead work. What You Will Learn Set up a development environment for your application Scaffold Models, Views and Controllers quickly using Gii Write automated tests using the Codeception testing framework Make a secure environment using ACF and RBAC Manage stylesheets and Javascript with the AssetManager Keep view code clean with HTMLHelper Build a robust search UI with ActiveQuery and TypeAhead Create alternate themes for your site Send e-mails using SwiftMailer Translate your application into multiple languages Table of Contents 1. Introducing Yiis Development Tools Configuring and Using Gii Generating and Working with Models Generating the Controllers Generating the Views Configuring and Using the Debug Module 3. Testing with Yii and Codeception Introducing the Codeception Testing Framework Unit Testing Functional Testing Installing Selenium and Acceptance Testing 4. Creating and Managing Users Its Alive Creating Our First Monster Warding Off Evil Registering Our Ghouls, Goblins, and Vampires Access Control Filter The Silver Bullet Implementing Role Based Access Control 5. Adding Some Style All about Yii 2 Layouts Managing JavaScript and CSS Introducing the Yii 2 HTMLHelper Monster Profiling The Scary Details 6. Finding Love Finding the Right Ghoul-mate Using ActiveQuery Enhancing the Search UI Displaying and Sorting Results Adding New Themes 7. Beyond the Basics Sending E-mails Using Swiftmailer Working with Images Tracking Database Changes Using Migrations Love, the International Language i18N.

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