Pokemon 64x64 trainer sprites

Dating > Pokemon 64x64 trainer sprites

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If you separate gender for heads and bodies, you add another variable in, but you make the number of heads and bodies you have to sort through to find the one you want get cut in half. Most of the trainer sprites look terribly fan-made, out-of-character and some are weirdly out of proportion. Mew looks really wierd, his head is big. In this case it would just be increasing the number of options. Is there a chance that someone: a Knows the locations of all the files I need to edit to change the char when running, walking, cycling, fishing etc. Oh, and Gold too, but he's always been awesome. Wenn Sie unseren Partnern gestatten, Cookies zu nutzen, um ähnliche Daten zu erfassen wie wir auf unseren Seiten, können diese auf unseren Seiten Werbung anbieten, die Ihren Interessen entspricht z.

Personally my favorites are Janine and Sabrina. Actually, two of Psypoke's most awesome and sexy members are using them as avatars. Other favorites but aren't hot enough to be in my avatar are Falkner, Morty, Clair, Koga, Will, Lt. Oh, and Gold too, but he's always been awesome. Sprites that were disappointing are Brock, Misty, Blaine, and worst of them all, Karen! Like Platinum, I think the new sprites for both the Pokemon and the Gym Leaders are subpar compared to Diamond and Pearl's sprites. My favorite of the Johto Gym Leaders is Falkner's since he looks the most alright; Karen looks hideous and I can't believe that used her official hair color and stuck her in some ugly yellow clothes when she's supposed to be the Dark Elite. Janine and Erika look the best out of Kanto, but Brock, Surge and Sabrina, my three favorites, look way disappointing; Sabrina especially pisses me off because sticking her in random pop star clothes just does not work. Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:31 pm While we're at it, Veekun has the Pokemon sprites:. To be perfectly honest, I think that a lot of the new sprites look like crap. For many of the Kanto and Johto Pokemon, the coloring is off, the models are off and the proportions are off. It was like that in Platinum, too, and I'm left wondering why the sprites took a turn to crap after the awesomeness that was DP's set. I mean, look at Mewtwo, Suicune or Ampharos' twig limbs and tell me that they're NOT disproportionate? Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:11 am I wtf'd. He wasn't in GSC! I don't know if that's really him, at the bottom... If he is, that's pretty epic. At the end of this video, the last sprite is Giovanni taking his hat off. Personally my favorites are Janine and Sabrina. Actually, two of Psypoke's most awesome and sexy members are using them as avatars. Other favorites but aren't hot enough to be in my avatar are Falkner, Morty, Clair, Koga, Will, Lt. Oh, and Gold too, but he's always been awesome. Sprites that were disappointing are Brock, Misty, Blaine, and worst of them all, Karen! But the only thing that sucks is that all the non-story mode characters. They are all Platinum sprites. But still, not bad. While we're at it, Veekun has the Pokemon sprites:. To be perfectly honest, I think that a lot of the new sprites look like crap. For many of the Kanto and Johto Pokemon, the coloring is off, the models are off and the proportions are off. It was like that in Platinum, too, and I'm left wondering why the sprites took a turn to crap after the awesomeness that was DP's set. I mean, look at Mewtwo, Suicune or Ampharos' twig limbs and tell me that they're NOT disproportionate? They really do look horrible. The only good looking sprites are Tyranitar and Lugia. Most of the trainer sprites look terribly fan-made, out-of-character and some are weirdly out of proportion. Seriously, that was disappointing. The only ones I like are a few belonging to characters that are pretty much unimportant, like that waiter, that guy in green dinosaur costume, the burglar, the sage, that guy with the Pikachu robot and the pyromaniac. Gentleman and Beauty aren't so bad either. And the only important characters whose sprites look reasonably decent are Morty and Falkner. Pryce, Clair and Rival I think his name is Silver? Sabrina and Karen are HIDEOUS, I have to completely agree with Frost on this one. Sabrina is particularly OOC, on both her pose and clothing, which really disappoints me since she's one of the hottest female character in my opinion. And, Jesus Christ, what is wrong with Will? As for the Pokemon sprites, though.... I'm with Frost on this one too. Who designed those, seriously? Some are like, so freaking deformed. Kanto and Johto Pokemon look like they were made by Pokeani, while Hoenn and Sinnoh are somewhat decent, but not as good as DP. Totodile is pretty much the only one I love. I honestly hope they look better when I play the game. Trenchcoat and fedora look... You also have to love Pryce's one when it moves The scarves billow! I agree that Sabrina could look better. I liked her look in the first gen with the whip and long hair that was sexy this one is a bit... Other ones I like well, most of them are cool I'm going to buy the game now, definitely, just to look at these lovely sprites. One of the best set ever. Most of the trainer sprites look good, Lance doesn't look as cool, and Will looks like a douchebag. As for the pokemon sprites, they are anything but amazing. They are horribly out of proportion. Ampharos looks like a retard, they ruined my favourite pokemon. I think we can all agree Steelix's face is LONG and ugly. Mew looks really wierd, his head is big. Donphan's right left tusk looks messed up. They look dumb as well. I think most of the Gym Leaders look okay. Will, Falkner, Morty although his hair is a little messed , Clair who shouldn't be turned to her side, makes her look bad , Whitney who looks WAY awesome , Pryce, Erika, the main characters look really great. Almost all the sprites are eye-sores. I hated looking at them. Mostly heads and arms were disproportionate and made the Pokemon look TERRIBLE. Mewtwo was the best example, and by best, I mean his sprite made him look weak of how bad the sprites are. Mewtwo looks like if he can't even pick up a pebble. His arms looked like only skin and bones. A terrible job on the sprites. I liked the music though, but they shouldhave done better on the sprites.

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